The quartz countertop contractors have made sure that you buy quartz countertops and countless others because of their lifelong durability and maintenance but little do you know, at one point, these countertops may give decide to give you a hard time.
Durability of a Countertop Stone
Every natural stone such as granite, marble, limestone etc have the ability to become a little unstable over time. Since marble is a soft stone, it becomes prone to scratches and acids earlier than the others. As warned by granite installers, the trouble begins when you see cracks forming in it.
Methods to Fix Cracks in Countertops
We took some advice from the quartz countertop contractors for cracks fixture and according to them, any solid surface can be fixed using the most useful ways mentioned below.
- The super glue method
- Epoxy filler method
- The Super Glue Method
The super glue is a substance composed of cyanoacrylate. This method is beneficial in the case of extremely narrow cracks on the countertop surface.
What will you need?
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Ultra-fine Scotch Brite Pad
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Blow dryer
- 220-grit and 400-grit (super glue)
- Toothbrush
- Cyanoacrylate (super glue)
- Use ice to expand the crack as solid surfaces tend to contract upon cooling. You can use ice bags and put them on either side of the crack for better results. Let the ice sit on crack for 45 min approx. after which you will be able to see the expansion.
- Apply some hydrogen peroxide into the crack and use a toothbrush to clean it. If the stains are too dark or won’t go away, scrub with a chlorinated detergent.
- Use rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) to rinse the crack.
- Draw some lines 1/16 apart from edges by the crack for a better application of glue. This is the best kitchen countertop.
- Use the blow dryer (more on the hotter side) and start heating up the crack on either side. You’ll notice the cracks slowly closing in and completely disappearing after heating for about 20 min. After the crack has closed, you will still be able to see the mark you’d drawn earlier.
- Grab the super glue (Cyanoacrylate) and use it right above the crack.
- Now leave the countertop for a day, at least, and do not perform any chore until the glue is super hard and bonded with the countertop. This will give the countertop excess of time to gain strength.
- For a smooth countertop surface, first, use 220-grit sandpaper and rub it against the crack, then use 400-grit paper for a fine and non-abrasive surface.
- Use the Scotch Brite to polish the area. Usually the granite installers want to make sure that the Scotch Brite pad is ultra-fine grade.
- Epoxy Filler Method
This method is more preferred than the super glue method. There is a fat chance that the glue might wear out after some time but with Epoxy filler method, the fixture will be permanent.
Items required
- Two-part epoxy kit
- Denatured alcohol
- 120-,220-,400-grit sanding discs
- Wooden popsicles
- Artist paint brush
- Rags/Sponges
- Use denatured alcohol to disinfect the crack.
- Take a disposable surface, take out two beads of epoxy fillers on it along with a hardener to fill the crack.
- Use color pigments or paint and mix it with the bead filler to get achieve the tine of your countertop.
- In order to produce the epoxy, mix the hardener to the filler.
- Use a good amount of epoxy for the application on the crack. Use a craft stick to apply it and let it sit there protruding above the crack surface for better results.
- The next step is examination. Step away and watch carefully. If the epoxy blends with the countertop then let it sit there for some time and if not, use paint to adjust the color. If everything is fine and then let it get hard. If you hurry too much, you will need to call granite installers Rockville MD for the fixture.
- Starting off with 120-grit, scrub the area until you use 400 grit.
- Finish off by polishing the area for a sparkly look.
The quartz countertop contractors may tell you that quartz doesn’t need such heavy maintenance but be prepared always.