If you have a gas furnace in your house, you happen to be amongst the lucky ones who won’t have to worry about the temperature going down in the middle of the night. But gas furnaces tend to run into problems like other home appliances. While that alone could be a frustrating situation, you should be familiar with some troubleshooting tips that will help you get the furnace running back to normal or rule out some common culprits before calling in furnace repair services. So, let’s know how to diagnose your gas furnace and prevent complications from ruining your day on your own.
Make Sure The Thermostat Is On
The first thing you need to do if your furnace is not working the way it should be is check the thermostat to make sure it is on. You won’t believe the number of calls experts receive without the homeowners checking if it’s a battery issue. Those who have installed gas furnaces for the first time tend to blame the unit itself if such a situation pops up.
Make sure the furnace is set to ‘heat’ and at least five degrees above room temperature. Plus, check the batteries of the thermostat. Although modern thermostats tend to inform you when the batteries are low, if your version is old, you might need to check manually.
Otherwise, if the thermostat is directly connected to the power supply, you will need to check its calibration. Unfortunately, you might not be able to do it on your own considering it requires special tools and skills. So, you can consult an expert who will help you calibrate the thermostat.
If your thermostat happens to run on batteries, you should consult the user manual to remove the panel and access the batteries. Ensure you opt for the batteries recommended by the manufacturer.
Furnace Is Not Producing Heat
Another common problem faced by homeowners is the furnace not producing enough heat. To troubleshoot the issue, check the thermostat settings first. Make sure it is set to ‘heat’ and try dialing up and down the thermostat to see if it makes any difference.
If it doesn’t, it means there might be a circuit breaker or fuse issue. So, you will need to perform an inspection of both and see if you spot any unusual signs & symptoms. Both circuit breakers and fuses tend to be safety devices that prevent an expensive electric appliance from permanent damage in case of electric fluctuation.
While inspecting the circuit breaker, make sure it’s in the ON state. If it isn’t, flip it to turn it on. After this, if the furnace does not turn on, look for a blown fuse. Fortunately, replacing a blown fuse is not that expensive or difficult.
All you need to do is consult the user manual and access the circuit breaker and fuse using a few simple tools. But, make sure you opt for the exact replacement. And, if you observe that the circuit breaker trips or a fuse blows regularly, it means the problem is somewhere else. For this, you might need to consult one of the HVAC companies Tyson’s Corner you trust.
Change The Furnace Filter
When you notice that your furnace is not producing enough heat or not heating, the first thing to check is the filter. When the furnace filter gets clogged with dust, it affects the performance and efficiency of your HVAC system.
First locate the furnace filter. It can be in the intake or the furnace itself. Depending on its type, you may have to clean or replace the filter. Make sure that the furnace is turned off before you check or replace the furnace filter.
Safety Switch On Furnace Door
The safety switch is another safety device that prevents your HVAC unit from turning on if someone is working on the unit. For instance, the safety switch can be turned on, if you are maintaining or inspecting the gas furnace for some issues. The last thing you would want is the furnace turning on just when you have your hands deep inside.
That said, if your furnace was recently serviced, check the safety switch. If you need help, you can consult the user manual for step-by-step instructions. If the safety switch is in the ‘On’ position and the furnace still doesn’t turn on, it means the problem lies somewhere else.
Keep The Surroundings Of The Furnace Clear
This may sound obvious but sometimes, homeowners with a busy lifestyle tend to forget such basic factors. If your gas furnace is located in the basement, you might not visit that part of the house quite often unless a problem arises. The basement needs equal treatment as the rest of the house when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.
With time, dirt, dust, and debris can clog the furnace, making it difficult to operate. Furthermore, basements tend to become cluttered as well. If you are storing or have stored furniture, decorative or other items, and objects in the basement, they could prove to be an obstacle for the furnace.
So, if you intend to use the basement as a storage area, you should make sure the items and objects are placed at a slight distance from the furnace.
Look At The Burner Flames
If you didn’t know, your gas furnace comes with burners that produce flames. In normal cases, the burner flames tend to be blue. But, if there is something wrong, the flame will be yellowish or some other color. This shows that there is something wrong.
The most common reason burners tend to experience failure is due to contamination. You will want to make sure the burners are always free of debris and other accumulations. Moreover, if the furnace is not used in the summer season, it means it will sit dormant for a few months.
That said, you should clean the furnace burners before turning it back on in the winter. Soot buildup and condensation can lead burner issues. This is yet again another reason why you should get your furnace checked regularly.
Schedule Professional Maintenance
Professional maintenance is key to ensuring your gas furnace runs without any complications. Most homeowners believe it’s just about an expert thoroughly cleaning the unit. Professional maintenance goes beyond that in the sense that it allows the professionals to spot any potential problems and fix them on the spot.
So, you don’t have to worry about the furnace giving up just when it’s time for you to use it. In simple words, professional maintenance is simply an investment to prevent future problems. It also helps prolong the unit’s life. Since gas furnaces are becoming expensive each passing day, you should be able to get the most out of the existing ones.
In the meantime, you should also inspect the gas furnace and perform regular basic maintenance. This will ensure that your gas furnace runs effectively and efficiently when the temperatures fall below zero.
The tips mentioned above are tried and tested which will surely help get your furnace running back to normal. However, you should also invest in professional maintenance offered by furnace services Arlington. This will keep your furnace running smoothly for years.